Welcome to Porous Coordination Polymers (PCPs)/Metal-Organic Frameworks(MOFs)

The 4th century BC, Chuang Zu casts “THE USEFULNESS OF THE USELESS”. This is a notion like a seemingly strange thing: “Everyone knows the usefulness of the useful, but no one knows the usefulness of the useless.”
Let’s look at our science field. In conventional solid materials, attention has been paid to closely assembling atoms and molecules in order to produce excellent physical properties such as conductivity and magnetism. In other words, it was regarded as meaningless to make a void (space is useless). On the other hand, new solid materials can be developed if molecules and ions play an active role in such a space and create an unprecedented function. In other words, space is useful if one changes the view.
In our laboratory, we focus on this space, and aim to design and synthesize materials with space, and create and develop a new space science.

Isn’t it possible to create a substance with space, and answer only our self-satisfied interests of scientists?
  Substances with a large amount of space are called porous substances (materials that help our lives and industry are called porous materials because we call them materials). The typical thing is activated carbon. Activated carbon has already been used for medical care and removal of non-compliant items in the Egyptian era 3500 years ago, and is still widely used for cleaning water and air. In the 19th century, natural ores with a porous structure (called zeolites) were discovered, and in the 20th century, artificial synthesis was carried out, which has greatly contributed to the petrochemical industry, etc. In this way, porous materials are indispensable in human history.



Introduction of PCPs / MOFs

chemistry of coordination space